Sunday 19 April 2020


yo! ... from hero ta zero ...innit!

here in palookaville..

our leader is sick..

he is recovering nicely..

we hope..

from rona's kiss..

we even quite like the guy..

he still sick though..



did he not just win..

a huge election victory?

a tory hero..

national hero..

the king of all brexit..


with co driver..

dominic cummings..

together they will..

get brexit done!

so much to do..

so little time..

then along come a spider..


oh dear..

what can the matter be..

we were planning..

monday through saturday..

two old ladies..

die in a lavatory..

Oh, dear! What can the matter be?
boris so slow at the games..
He promised to buy me a mask to protect me..
And then for a smile oh, he vowed he would please me..
He promised to bring me a visor and gown..
To tie up my bonny brown hair..

Oh, dear! What can the matter be?
boris so slow at the games..
He promised to buy me a basket of ventilators
A garland of laurels, a gift of immunity
A little straw hat to set off the cameras
And tie up my bonny brown hair..
Oh, dear! What can the matter be?
Dear, dear! What can the matter be?
Oh, dear! What can the matter be?
boris so slow at the games..

boris is sick..
because he took his..
eye off the ball..
in a very fast moving..
virus game..
he cudda been a contender..
but now..
he is sick of the sound..
of chickens coming home to roost..
sick of the virus games..
he is thinking of steve mcqueen..
in the movie..
the sand pebbles..
I was home. 
What happened? 
What the hell happened? 

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