Thursday 30 April 2020


yo!.. tough... innit!

in palookaville..

if things ain't exactly..

lookin up..

than at least we can feel better..

when others are sufferin worse..

we don't like these people..

because we do like to holiday..

and in our opinion they have pushed costs up..

deprived locals of homes to buy..

I do believe that each citizen has a right to safe and affordable housing.
Turning renting and home ownership into yet another racket..
 simply begs the question what are we doing to ourselves and each other.
 This is yet another something for nothing grift..
where anything goes and nothing matters.
It is morally degraded.
Is there even a notion that some things are sacred.
Making money is not only the sole purpose in life..
(the making of), but not even consistent with a good life.
We have to eat yes, but that is in earning a living.
On one level what is required is simply stopping.
Takes energy to game the system and it takes energy to pretend..
you're doing one thing while you know your doing another.
If you want to own a hotel buy one.


"One has to wonder why so many saw Airbnb as a risk-free trade.
Vacation and corporate travel slowed dramatically during the financial crisis..
and took a while to come back.
The recovery was even slower in what many think of a perma-destinations like Barcelona..
  And even more so than Uber..
which depends on drivers not understanding their economics..
(as in the true cost of using their car)..
so too did hosts who procured housing..
for the purpose of listing it on Airbnb..
seem to be naive that they were signing up for the risks in the deal..
high fixed costs with revenues that could evaporate.
And did. "


honey I shrunk the pension..

honey I blew up the apartment..

how about a quickie?.


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