Sunday 19 April 2020


yo!... what's up doc... innit!

the starship..


has hit a time warp..

and is trapped back in 1918..

right inna middle of..

pandemic pandemoniam..

Although some researchers argue that the 1918 pandemic began elsewhere, in France in 1916 or China and Vietnam in 1917, many other studies indicate a U.S. origin

..Several Haskell men who had been exposed to influenza went to Camp Funston, in central Kansas. Days later, on March 4, the first soldier known to have influenza reported ill. 

The huge Army base was training men for combat in World War I, and within two weeks 1,100 soldiers were admitted to the hospital, with thousands more sick in barracks. 

 Thirty-eight died. 

Then, infected soldiers likely carried influenza from Funston to other Army camps in the States—24 of 36 large camps had outbreaks—sickening tens of thousands, before carrying the disease overseas. Meanwhile, the disease spread into U.S. civilian communities.

A pandemic occurs when an entirely new and virulent influenza virus, which the immune system has not previously seen, enters the population and spreads worldwide. 

Ordinary seasonal influenza viruses normally bind only to cells in the upper respiratory tract—the nose and throat—which is why they transmit easily. 

The 1918 pandemic virus infected cells in the upper respiratory tract, transmitting easily, but also deep in the lungs, damaging tissue and often leading to viral as well as bacterial pneumonias.

The Australian immunologist and Nobel laureate Macfarlane Burnet, who spent most of his career studying influenza,..

 concluded the evidence was “strongly suggestive” that the disease started in the United States and spread to France with “the arrival of American troops.”

 Camp Funston had long been considered as the site where the pandemic started..

 until my historical research, published in 2004..

pointed to an earlier outbreak in Haskell County.


they would wouldn't they..


capping trump..

has spoken..

he says we can all go straight..


do not pass go..

do not collect $200

Trump has slated movie theaters as one of the first businesses to reopen. 
Will you go?
Movie Theater Questions Abound
  1. How does the theater enforce distancing at these checkpoints: 
  2. entering, seating, concession stands, rest rooms? 
  3. Would the theaters be profitable with those restrictions?
  4. Where's the movies? 
  5. Movie releases have been delayed and blockbusters won't be the first offerings. 
  6. Assuming the theaters open up, would you go?
  7. How many people are now accustomed to watching movies at home on Netflix etc, and won't easily go back to overpaying for the seat and massively overpriced popcorn?
There's a little matter we have to talk about 

Then tell me "future boy", who is the president of the United States?
donald trump..
donald trump?! The real-estate developer?! 
Ha! Then who's Vice President? Jerry Lewis?
it's a western stupid..

Keep movin', movin', movin'
Though they're disapprovin'
Keep them dogies movin', rawhide
Don't try to understand 'em
Just rope 'em, throw, and brand 'em
Soon we'll be livin' high and wide
My heart's calculatin'
My true love will be waitin'
Be waitin' at the end of my ride
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, head 'em up, rawhide
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in
Ride 'em in, cut 'em out
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in, rawhide
now get back ta work..

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