Tuesday 28 April 2020


yo!.. vaccine ready yet?.. innit!

in palookaville..

two gamblers..

are desperately..

waiting for alpha..


an on which streets do they live?

bull an bear..

the flowerpot men..

wall street an lombard st..


“You have a sense of humour..

I am in favor of jokes..

They have political value..

Jokes are a release for the cowardly and the impotent.”

In our call of the day..

former Goldman Sachs hedge-fund manager Raoul Pal..

said the dollar was the world’s “biggest problem” 

and that the signal to sell equities was coming soon.

He said the narrative that the Fed printing money..

would causes a dollar collapse was “very wrong.”

The chief executive of Global Macro Investor..

who predicted the 2008 financial crisis..

“You see the biggest problem the world faces is the dollar..

We are in a viscous doom loop..

where slowing growth causes the dollar to rise..

which causes slower growth..

which causes the dollar to rise..

as all borrowers play musical chairs..

to get access to the dollar to service debts..

“Dollar swap lines, QE, jawboning, etc. 

have done nothing to stop this,” 

..he added in a post on Twitter..

He said no printing of money 

— by the Federal Reserve — 

would solve what he described as a “structural” problem..

 “All attempts to create more money..

to solve the dollar standard issue tend to devalue all fiat versus gold..

Gold is rallying on debt deflation probabilities.”

“My guess is that the next debt deflation signal..

will come when bonds begin to price in negative interest rates..

That day is coming soon... 

and that will be the signal to sell equities..

and the insolvency phase will begin.”


 "'Meyer Wolfsheim? No, he's a gambler..

' Gatsby hesitated, then added coolly: 

'He's the man who fixed the World's Series back in 1919'. "

The 1919 World Series..

was between the Chicago White Sox (Black Sox) and the Cincinnati Reds..

The book and what really happened in history are similar..

because the World Series was fixed in 1919 by gamblers!

“The tears of the world are a constant quantity..

For each one who begins to weep somewhere else another stops. 

The same is true of the laugh.”

Samuel Beckett,  


The Fed has rigged the stock market!
How come no one seems to understand this basic concept? 
Every time you pull the slot machine, it is raining taxpayer dollars! 
 The Fed is printing infinity dollars until the stock market goes up. 
No amount of logic, reasoning or common sense..
can possibly stop the Fed's fix in the game.
The Fed wants the market to go up. 
 It will go up. 
They will print as many dollars as it takes until it goes up. 
The Fed cannot lose.
Anyone who doesn't understand this simple concept is just sheep...

Buffet Indicator stock market

Warren Buffett is deafeningly silent. 
 But with his market value indicator now..
at 131% of GDP when 50-70% is 'fair value' 
the Sage of Omaha is wise to sit on his hands. 
The next decade may be his finest...

I do not like this article, 
by July 4th many medical tests will be completed..
and doctors will know how to treat the virus, 
by September we will know we have a vaccine that works. 
 I look ahead and so does the market. 
Any downturn in the market will be short lived..
and will not reach the March 23rd lows.
...The only thing holding the market up right now..
 is the word of panic-mode central banks that they have no regard..
for future generations Debt obligations..
and they will do anything and everything..
right here right now to “save the world“. 
What would we do without them...? 
Ultimately it’s another lesson in sticking to a long term diversified investment plan..

I guess..

Who the hell knows...

This is directly in line with my views. 
How strange is it that a remarkable bull rally..
could actually make one feel more shaken than the previous drop? 
But the idea that our entire retirement and livelihood..
is based off of a stock market so disconnected..
from economic fundamentals and reality..
is deeply disturbing to some of us..
with 20+ years left until retirement. 


information is not knowledge..

knowledge is not wisdom..

he was a nice boy..

he used to cut the grass..


I wonder what it's like on the outside now..

a water melon in easter hay..

a little green rosetta..


don work for yuda..

with leather

 Samuel Beckett,  
“The tears of the world are a constant quantity. 
For each one who begins to weep..
somewhere else another stops. 
The same is true of the laugh.” 


...These shirts symbolize extreme luxury and wealth..
but it also foreshadows Daisy's change..

from purity to corruption..

.. It also symbolizes the end of the growth of Gatsby's dream.

Gatsby believed in the green light..

the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. 
It eluded us then, but that's no matter..
tomorrow we will run faster, 
stretch out our arms farther.. 
And one fine morning..

 So we beat on, 
boats against the current, 
borne back ceaselessly into the past.”

J.D. Salinger,  

“I'm quite illiterate, but I read a lot. ” 
“If you had a million years to do it in, 
you couldn't rub out even half the "Fuck you" signs in the world. 
It's impossible.”

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