Monday 20 April 2020


yo! ... starvation... innit!

every 100 years or so..

here in palookaville..

we have..


all sorts of..

high jinks an capers..

are laid bare by..

a new virus..

wot nobody evva seen before..

it's the novelty..

that gets the games off..

ta a really fast start..

before ya know it..

little fucker be..

all over a word..


Katniss Everdeen..

 We all have one enemy, and that’s President Snow..

He corrupts everyone and everything..

He turns the best of us against each other..


as if the virus wasn't bad enough..

the mutations are even worse..

for every virus infection..

there are 100 extra casualties..

unemployed, unschooled.. in debt,

gone bust, grounded, stuck in port, mothballed..

but by far the worst collateral damage..

is starvation..


The wind is in from Africa
Last night I couldn't sleep..

Oh, you know it sure is hard to leave here dude..
But it's really not my fault..

My fingernails are filthy..
I got nothin ta eat..
I don't have your clean white linen..
nor shoes upon my feat..

Come on down to the closed Cafe..

I will get us a bottle of wine

And we'll laugh and toast to nothing..

and smash our glasses down..

Let's have a round for these hungry children
A round for these friends of mine..

Let's have another round for the virus devil 
that traps us in this tourist town..

‘Starve or get sick’: Africa’s COVID-19 lockdown dilemma

“I give them (the government) one to two weeks before things get worse..

Not in terms of coronavirus, but in terms of hunger,”..

said Kennedy Odede, who runs Shining Hope For Communities (SHOFCO),

a grassroots movement which works in the Nairobi slum Kibera..

and other informal settlements in Kenya.


 President Snow..

 Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear..

 A little hope is effective..

A lot of hope is dangerous.

katniss evergreen..

“They'll be granted immunity!" 

I feel myself rising from my chair..

"You will personally pledge this in front of the entire population..

 of District Thirteen and the remainder of Twelve. Soon,Today..

It will be recorded for future generations..

You will hold yourself and your government responsible for their safety..”

President Snow..

 Miss Everdeen, it is the things we love most that destroy us.

 Effie Trinket..

 Happy Virus Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.

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