Saturday, 28 February 2009


yo!...itz the economy stupid....innit!

capitulation day
+160... in palookaville we drag ourselves forward...

...against the tide...

...the politix have seized the means of production...

...they have used this crisis to implement their own agenda...

...brown and obama plan to entrench social control of the economy...

...more taxes, more regulation, more state control...


tim : ..."In my view, 1982 through 2007 was the golden age of capitalism. No one announced its beginning, and very few people realized its end, but as measured by the pendulum of social and economic change, I believe the generational timespan of that quarter-century embodies the resurgence, and then self-immolation, of American capitalism.

Off the top of my head, those years, we had:

  • Reagonomics;
  • Yuppies;
  • The great bull markets of 1982-1987 and 1991-2000;
  • Lower taxes;
  • A more docile IRS;
  • A resurgence in Republican strength (think Newt Gingrinch);
  • A strong America capable of winning major wars in 72 hours;
  • Historic IPOs like Netscape and Google;
  • The rise of Silicon Valley from obscurity to the center of the world;
  • Economic globalization (think BRIC);
  • The collapse of the USSR;
  • Hero-worship of the rich (including hedge fund managers);
  • Widespread popularity of books about money and assets;

I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

The pendulum has just started to swing the other way, and I don't think it's a little bobble before we return to the above. I seriously think we are in for just as long as period - - and just as deep a change - - as the era above. We'll be stumbling our way back to where things were in the late 1970s..........malaise, weakness, and Billy Beer.

What would people think if, just six months ago, you speculated that Citigroup would be a nationalized institution? Would they laugh at you? Look at you as if you were insane? Cart you off to a rubber room?

That, of course, is just the tip of the iceberg. When Obama speaks of a "once-in-a-generation opportunity" to change the government, he isn't talking about remodeling the oval office. The "opportunity" is the most dramatic expansion of the government and its instrusions than any of us have seen in our lifetimes.

All I'm saying is that the market's 50%+ plunge is signaling the changes to come, and then the market finally bottoms (and my best guess is that this is going to be in the 4000 area on the Dow), we will have been witness to exploited "opportunities" that we can scarcely imagine today."

irwin: ..."Some features of the Obama plan make sense. The tax-deductibility of mortgage interest distorts investment flows, directing too much money to housing, as Margaret Thatcher realised. Taxing pollution makes sense, although cap-and-trade is a flawed means of reducing carbon emissions. Profits from the operation of hedge funds more closely resemble income than capital gains, and should be taxed as such. And estate taxes fall on the undeserving winners of the sperm lottery.


...these virtues are more than offset by the more radical features of Obama’s plan: spending at levels previously thought unimaginable, deficits as far ahead as the eye can see, a significant redistribution of the nation’s income from wealth creators to dependants on the state, government takeovers of significant sectors of the economy, more regulation of almost every business...."sunday tim


ambrose : ..."Judging by the latest Merrill Lynch survey of fund managers, investors have a touching faith that China is going to rescue us all and re-ignite the commodity boom. How can this be? Taiwan's exports to China fell 55pc in January, Japan's fell 45pc. These exports are links in the supply chain for China's industry. Manufacturing output in the Shanghai region fell 12pc in January.

My favourite China guru, Michael Pettis from Beijing University, is in despair – as you can see on his blog ( The property bubble is bursting. Developers have built more offices in Beijing since 2006 than the entire stock in Manhattan. There is a 14-year supply glut. We have seen this movie before.

Factory output is collapsing at the fastest pace everywhere. The figures for the most recent month available are, year-on-year: Taiwan (-43pc), Ukraine (-34pc), Japan (-30pc), Singapore (-29pc), Hungary (-23pc), Sweden (-20pc), Korea (-19pc), Turkey (-18pc), Russia (-16pc), Spain (-15pc), Poland (-15pc), Brazil (-15pc), Italy (-14pc), Germany (-12pc), France (-11pc), US (-10pc) and Britain (-9pc). Norway sails blissfully on (+4pc). What do they drink up there?

This terrifying fall has been concentrated in the last five months. The job slaughter has barely begun. Social mayhem comes with a 12-month lag. By comparison, industrial output in core-Europe fell 2.8pc in 1930, 5.1pc in 1931 and 3.9pc in 1932, according to RBS.

Stephen Lewis, from Monument Securities, says we have been lulled into a false sense of security by the lack of "soup kitchens". The visual cues from Steinbeck's America are missing. "The temptation for investors is to see this as just another recession, over by the end of the year. But this is not a normal cycle. It is a cataclysmic structural breakdown," he said."...

sunday telegraph

"Joschka Fischer, Germany's former foreign minister, darkly suggested that we would soon find out whether the eurozone would turn out to be "a disaster", while the German finance ministry is vacillating on whether it would be prepared to bail out insolvent states.

The current thinking is that Germany and France, as the strongest economies in the zone and "lenders of last resort", would have to bail out failing states: the prospect of the eurozone breaking up would bring the future of the EU into question.

But the most startling fact to emerge this week is that the country which is seen as the most vulnerable, and therefore the most likely to ditch the euro, is not Slovenia, or Cyprus, or Greece, but Ireland."

Daily Telegraph

Golden Parachute

Dire data and bank fears drive down sentiment

Unrelenting market gloom

Sunday, 22 February 2009


yo! meal deal...innit!

capitulation day

..all the talk here in palookaville is about...

...the euro...


...will it be saved by german largesse?...

...or sunk by revolt at german diktat?...

...don't panic! don't panic!...

...they won't like it up em!...

...who the germans or the 'others'..?

...this thing has further to run...

...has legs as they say...

...everybody march in step...

...and don't mention the goose..!.


...beulah an me are lookin forward... more holidays in italy and spain... really is ridiculous that we should have to buy euros... spend there...

...what idiot made prices the same in all the european countries???

...but not wages!..?

...we want our cheap holidays back...

...and you want to keep your jobs... come on guys...

...get with the plan...

...bring on the lire and peseta..

...set your own interest rates...

...and float...

...let the market decide what your currency is worth...

YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE what is wrong with flexibility?...

...if the trees don't bend in the wind...

...they snap...

...we love to visit you and eat your food...

...but you are pricing us out of your market..

...let the germans and the french... the expensive destinations...


Saturday, 21 February 2009


yo! fo cats...innit!

capitulation day
+152... in palookaville we take our stash seriously...

...we always lookin out fo squalls...

...we usta read the msm until the blogs got goin...

...this bloke bill adlard usta get a shout...

...inna paper called 'the business'... an beulah usta like it a lot...


...this bill geezer was always bangin on about a commin crash... you know me...

...ol misery guts...innit!...

...I knew he would be right sooner or later...

...itz a pity that 'the business' went out of...

...but here is bill...

FTSE 100 'to fall by more than 40%'

The double whammy of poor economic data and the ongoing global credit crunch drove the FTSE 100 into meltdown today, wiping off some £60bn in shares - the steepest fall since 9/11 in 2001.

And one industry expert is urging investors to prepare for more sharp falls and a return to the lows of the bear market between 2000 and 2003.

Bill Adlard, a professional trader and market analyst at, is urging investors to get into cash as soon as possible because he fears the FTSE 100 will soon start on a downward trajectory that will take the index back to its lows of 2003 – a fall of more than 40%.

He says: 'The world is heading for a major economic depression. The FTSE 100 is going to fall back to its lows of 2003.

'My advice to investors is to get in to cash and stay there as it will be the asset class that outperforms all others over the next five years.'

'Previously, back in 2003 there was a massive credit expansion but now we are heading for a credit contraction. The major difference is that in 2003 debt was lower and if prices fell it didn't necessarily mean that people had to sell.

'But since then there has been a credit binge resulting in the massive inflation of debt and as such there will have to be a lot of selling if it is to be paid off.'

It took just over three years and three months for the FTSE 100 to bottom out during the last bear market.

On 30 December 1999 at the height of the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) boom, the index of the UK's largest firms peaked at 6930.2 – but by 12 March 2003 the index had plummeted by more than 50% to 3287.

Adlard added: 'The FTSE 100 will fall again over the same time period, if not sooner.' "

: nice one bill.!...


...this aint no advert an no bollox... the disclaimers at the top an find yo own stuff out...


...ah found anuvva one...

'Footsie to fall 90% from all-time high'

The severity of the ongoing economic and market torment has now led one analyst to forecast that the FTSE 100 index could plummet to below the 1000 level in the coming years.

Bill Adlard, a professional trader and market analyst, at gave This is Money, the most gloomy - but notably the most accurate - forecast for how the index would fare in 2008.

Now Adlard says: 'I believe over the coming five years the FTSE 100 could fall by around 90% - from its all time high in 1999 of 6930. It could easily be below 1000 in five years time.

'The UK market will reflect what happened in the US between 1929 and 1932 when the Dow Jones dropped by 90% from 397 to 40 points. I expect something of the same from the Footsie.'

Speaking to This is Money 12 months ago, Adlard said that given the coupling of poor economic data and the ongoing global credit crunch, he believed that the index could pull back to its lows of 2003 – a fall of more than 40%.

In early trading on 10 October, 2008, the Footsie, had collapsed to 3873 - a fall of 40% since the start of the year - and Adlard's prediction had come to fruition.

By the year's end, the index had clawed back some of its fall and finished 31% down over the 12 months.

At mid morning trading on 28 January, 2009, the Footsie was at 4266.31. On 31 December 2007, the index was riding far higher at 6457 – giving a fall of 34% in the past 13 months. It hit its all time high of 6930, back on 31 December 1999, and today's level exemplifies a drop of 38% since then.

For the rest of 2009, Adlard expects the index of the UK's top 100 firms to 'thrash about between 4,500 and 3,500' before ultimately crashing through the lower barrier.

petey : only time will tell...innit!


...this aint no advert an no bollox... the disclaimers at the top an find yo own stuff out...

Friday, 20 February 2009


yo!... mystery tour...innit!

capitulation day

...try as we they may...

...the committee cannot stop the market from falling ...


...sometime over the weekend...

...some of the bust banks will be nationalised...


...we will see the dead cat bounce...


...a lower low looks likely...


You say buy, I say no

You say why, and I say I don't know
Oh, no

You see a high and I see a low
A lower low

I don't know why you see a high
I see a low

A lower low
I don't know why you see a high
I see a low

Saturday, 7 February 2009


yo!...every picture tells a story...innit!

capitulation day

NB chart is uk based and funds reflect the effect of currency movements

charts from equitable life are used as an illustration of sector performance comparisons only
and not as a commentary on their investment performance. no opinion is offered here either for or against equitable life as a pension company...

...they just happen to have these charts...
...which i find very helpful...
...when comparing sector fund performance...






yo!...some are more equal than others...innit!

capitulation day

...palookaville 2009...

...debt has reached the nexus phase...

...retirement is not an option...

...the debtists have passed new laws to increase debt - quantum time...

...the cure for debt is debt...

...long live the debt!...

...their friends the boomists have lobbied hard for this day...

...they believe in perpetual boom...


...nobody knows what we've done...

...they're all so f**kin thick...

...we keep them up to date with what is happening in the soaps...

...with who is F**king whom...

...they check their 'phones every minute... see who is "on the bus" or "at the checkout"...

...meanwhile we f**k them over...

...we bury them in debt, we take away their savings or at least their interest...


...we give their money to the debtors...

...the more they owe, the more they make...

...we hate savers... we rob their savings...

...we f**k up their investments...

...we rob their pension plans...



...war is good... increases economic growth...

...bullets and bombs must be replaced...

...we can start a new war any time we want...

...all the twats will be watching the soaps...

...or reading about some sports or movie or soap "star"...


...we will be the spender of last resort...

...all their money is ours...

...we create it... we shall spend it...

...big goverment sets you free...

...cradle to grave without the need to think... mushrooms, we keep you warm, in the dark...and covered in sh*t...

...we decide how much tax you will pay...

...and how we spend your money...

...we provide your education and health service...

...and we decide what quality of care you get...

...we tax your income and your spending and your saving... get to decide who wins big brother...

...Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...


...the great depressionist artist...

...arnold terminator... trying to balance the budget...

...the debtists just don geddit...

...they think the boom can be restarted... time to save their bacon...


...perpetual boom is an illusion...

...the boomists have done their best...

...but... it's over...

...bust follows boom as night follows day...



...they like to keep their money off shore...

... in tax havens and secret accounts...

...not here in zombiestein... of the living dead...

...where all that moves is subsidised...

...state owned...




Thursday, 5 February 2009



capitulation day

...the last great movement of the old century has died...

...debtism and all of it's proponents are discredited...

...the academy has looked in vain for it's return...


...the boomists are just a bunch of art clowns and have no substance...


...the momentum is with the depressionists...

...they see the future as different from the past...

...where there was credit...

...there is debt...

...where there was growth...

...there is contraction...

...where there was inflation...


LET THERE BE SOLVENCY the beginning there was trade...

...then there was finance...

...then there was leverage...

...then there was debt...

...then there was darkness...


...household debt has reached the nexus phase...


...incept dates have failed to retire the nexus debts...

...a new bread of financial police have been created to default the debtors...

...this is not called bankruptcy...

...this is called financial murder...

The plight facing Britain is uncannily similar to the 1930s, since prices of many assets —from shares to house prices — are falling at record rates, but the value of the debt against which they are held remains unchanged.

This “debt deflation” is among the most painful of all economic phenomena, since it means the amount families owe increases each year even if they borrow no more.


...the banks have sought to keep us in the dark...

...they are lying about their exposure to toxic assets...

...the boomists are feeding them ever bigger gobbits of our money...

...what we get in return is...

...the mushroom treatment...

..."keep em in the dark and cover em in sh*t"

...meanwhile they continue to pay themselves huge bonuses...

...with our money...


...the king of the boomists... trying to create a zombie state... start with a client state...

...where everyone is on the payroll...

...then you bankrupt the country...

...then you reflate the bust banks and property bubble...

...then you tax everything that moves or breathes...

...until all economic life is dead...

petey : hello? anyone out there?


yo!...costa packet...innit!

capitulation day

...nobody expected the spanish implosion.!. in palookaville the traffic has ground to a halt...

...the wrong kind of money has brought the economy to a standstill...

...the brown boom... over at last...!...if only they can end the...

brown bust.!.

Car sales plunge in worst figures since 1974

"Luxury car sales suffered most, with sales falling 65 per cent, compared to a year ago.

Fleet sales, which account for 60 per cent of the total market, fell by 35 per cent as the economic downturn forced companies to cut back on transport for staff.

It was the ninth successive month that sales have fallen compared to the previous year, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders said.

The continuing slump in car sales comes after months of cutbacks within the industry with a wave of redundancies and extended factory closures...."telegraph


...anatole is predicting a nobel prize for brown...

...after all not many enelected prime ministers have a patsy chancellor...

...our nobel dictator has created a spectacular bust...

...and should get some sort of recognition for it...


...when peter the paintpallet started a new art movement...

...he did not realise that he would get a show so soon... all the world is joining in the fun...

...currencies are out doing each other to debase themselves at his feet...

...zombie banks are casting out the demon hearsts...

...and hanging the painted one's depressionist masterpieces...

...from their atrium roofs...


...down in the vaults the canvases are stacking up...

...toxic and unpredictable art for the new, bust millenium...

...their value rises as the other toxic assets deflate...

...paint is the future...

...for the new bust...


...suckers are still bettin the bust is past it's sell by...

...they think itz all over...

...normal service will be resumed and the paintings of doom...

...will be cast out of the galleries...

...but the fat lady is still waiting to sing...

...and she will not be denied... can dance the danse macarbre...

...and drink the night away... yourself up till dawn...


...she will sing...

US Treasury in plans for record debt sale

"The US Treasury on Wednesday opened the floodgates of government bond issuance, revealing plans for a record debt sale in February and more frequent auctions in the months to come.

The announcement came amid growing fears about US government deficits and sent the yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note rising to 2.95 per cent, up from just over 2 per cent at the end of December.

The rise in Treasury yields has been pushing mortgage rates higher, complicating efforts to revive the economy. The US Federal Reserve said last week it was “prepared to” buy Treasuries if that would be a “particularly effective” way of reducing private borrowing costs.

“The Fed has to be troubled by the fact that mortgage rates have been rising and the buying of Treasuries by the Fed may come sooner than the market expects,” said William O’Donnell, UBS strategist"...FT


iain martin..."
When a great many lies have been told, the antidote is usually truth. This can hurt, but without it the possibility of recovery and future happiness is remote. And so it is with today's crisis of capitalism.

If an excess of debt built with cheap money was the cause of the crisis – and it was – then more debt is not the answer. Aligning their party with this most basic but vital of insights was, as the essential Tory website Conservative Home put it, "Cameron and Osborne's bravest and loneliest decision". When the Tory leadership decided to oppose Gordon Brown's plans to borrow and spend his way out of the "Depression", as the Prime Minister called it yesterday in a revealing slip of the tongue, they were virtually alone in the western world." times

Wednesday, 4 February 2009


yo!...the paintman cometh...innit!

capitulation day

...petey the paintstick ...

...the father of depressionism ...

...has been offered a show...


...the famous art gallery in the naked city... to show his paintings of the...

...great crash... the annex on threadneedle st...


...many in the city are worried that the works will be lost in the bad bank... know! the one where all the worthless assets are held...

...the establishment see all his pictures as toxic...

...and hope that a show at the tomb...

...will draw attention away from the real sh*t stored there...


...the critics see the mummy as a zombie queen..

...and tell of how artists shown there always meet...

...a violent obscurity...

...still there's no business like show business...


...some of his most famous and controversial pieces will be on view...

...'admiral paulson crosses the rubicon'...

...'the rape of the shadow banking system'...

...'the bailout of the bust'...

...'the triumph of deflation'...

...'the bailout of the bubble'...

...'never mind the collateral, feel the bust!'...


...howard huges...

...the famous art critic...

...has seen the show for what it is...

..."protectionism is to depressionism...


...koons is to pop art"...


opkin : say! that sure is good news about the exhibition dude...

petey : feels just lak palm sundae!

Monday, 2 February 2009


yo!...casey jones...innit!

capitulation day

...the runaway train went over the hill... she blew!.. in palookaville the train has left the station...

...unfortunately it's journey has been delayed...

...the engineer had prepared the passengers for all eventualities... had been purchased well in advance...

...with money that had been created by the palookaville fed itself...

Down Week for Freight Traffic on U.S. Railroads


...the train is now not expected to reach it's destination...

...the wrong kind of money...

...has caused deflation...

...which in turn has bust the nation...

...but folks will still expect inflation..

...leading to a conflagration...

bloomberg : ..."Deflation was the growing concern for investors in 2008 as government bond yields fell to historic lows in December, the Reuters/Jefferies CRB Index of commodities tumbled 53 percent since July and home prices plunged 18 percent amid a deepening recession. Now, the bond market is saying Federal Reserve interest rates at zero percent, President Barack Obama’s $819 billion planned stimulus package and $8.5 trillion of U.S. initiatives to revive credit markets will reignite inflation."

“When the Fed gets finished here they will have an inflation nightmare on their hands,” said Mark MacQueen, who helps oversee $7 billion as co-founder of Sage Advisor Services Ltd. in Austin, Texas. “There is a lot of downside in conservative government bonds.”


market ticker : ..."If you're wondering why the stock market had its worst January on record, you need to talk to Treasury about its extraordinary issuance of debt that is crowding out money in the stock market, along with the government's scaremongering. And if you're wondering why we had a crash in September and October, go talk to Bernanke, who intentionally drained the slosh in the system as Congress was debating the EESA bill - a quite-transparent (and successful) attempt to cause a massive stock market sell-off to support what he and Paulson wanted - $700 billion in taxpayer funds for their banker buddies and suppression of Treasury yields."...

petey :

...rumour has it that...

...bonds aint what they used ta be...
