Saturday, 14 November 2020


most of the time..
I am looking..
reflecting and leaving well alone..
If a painting sits around long enough..
it will be painted over..
or altered,changed..
usually for the better..
but no guarantees..
these three have all been around the block a few times..
I am happy with them now..
for now..

here is a closer view of one..
click on any picture for a larger view..

Friday, 13 November 2020


yo!.. they think it's all over... innit? 

here in palookaville..

folks alla watchin a msm...

but it ain't news..

itta distraction..

it's called hazing..

get an keep yo attention..

wiv daft stuff..

lak trump an bollox lak at..


Virus Growth Uncontrolled

On November 2st the U.S. had a 44% increase in daily COVID-19 to 93,581. The chart below indicates the second wave of infections did not decline to the first wave low. Thus, experts forecast a third winter wave peak of cases will be higher than the second spring wave peak...

Economic Activity Contracts

Unemployment Rises

Personal Income Falls

Consumers Miss Rent and Home Mortgage Payments

Rent and Mortgage Moratoriums Fail

Consumers Use Credit Cards To Make Payments

Small Business Landlords Default on Mortgages

Home Owners Default on Mortgages

Consumer Spending Dives

..For investors, this is the time to prepare for a possible severe economic storm coming this winter. Scott Minerd, Global CIO at Guggenheim, observes that we have a pause now giving us time to prepare for an economic whirlwind:

the relative calm  we feel in the markets right now isn’t the end of the storm, it is just the eye, it may seem like there is no storm at all…yet the worst is yet to come.

check out the full article..

and this..

an don't forget..

this is all just my own opinions..

based upon articles from the www..

so don't go doin stuff..

this is all just fo fun...

read the disclaimer..

and this comment from mish's site..

12 hrs

Here are the daily case:death numbers for November (USA)

so far, 

from worldometer..

Nov 1 Su 71,321:399

Nov 2 M 88,905:522

Nov 3 T 94,463:1199

Nov 4 W 108,352:1200

Nov 5 Th 118,204:1125

Nov 6 F 132,540:1248

Nov 7 Sa 127,894:1035

Nov 8 Su 109,659:544

Nov 9 M 127,316:641

Nov 10 T 135,653:1346

Nov 11 W 142,808:1478

Nov 12 Th 151,033:1090 (so far today)

The trend of new cases is exploding in the US. One only has to compare numbers to a week earlier. Every single day this week the case numbers increased by over 30k compared to 7 days earlier. Hospitalizations are increasing several thousand per day as well. If hospitals fill up like they did during the first wave, the US is going to see some ugly death numbers again.

Trump is still in charge until inauguration day. What is he doing about it? Tweeting, golfing, having tantrums, and firing people.

Worst President ever.


Tuesday, 10 November 2020


what if the night..
looks back in anger.. some paintings are darker.. 
that's just the way of it.. 
nobody plans to create the dark..
it's just sometimes..
the walk is on the wild side.. 

we should always look away from the abyss..

follow the sun..
I hope you like this..
let's hope it gets people's attention..
there is much here to look at..
and think about..