Tuesday, 23 March 2010


yo!...you scratch my back...innit!

...capitulation day postponed...
....in palookaville today...
...people are impressed by the latest wheeze...
...to weaken the euro...
...German exports- scratch that- we can all use...
...a weaker currency...
...so Greece agrees to help out...
...hey guys...
...lets play fall out and fight...
...this will weaken the euro...
...and we can all sell more stuff...
...heads we win...
...tails we can't lose...
petey...only kiddin...innit!

Saturday, 20 March 2010


yo!...buggar thy neighbor...innit!

...capitulation day postponed...

...here in...


...all bets are hedged...

...as we await the resumption of normal service...

...a V shaped recovery has been achieved in the financial markets...

...and the puppet masters have made loads-a-money...


...the states within the Eurodisunion...

...are locked in a dance of death...

...those that sell and those that buy...

...those who sell will not buy and those who buy must borrow to do so...

...those who lend fear they will not be repaid...

...the price of borrowing must rise for those who buy...

...those who sell...will not lend...

...round and round we go...

...until the music stops...

...when all must find a seat at the table...

...or fall to the floor...

...and must then sit out the game...

...in the corner...with the dunce's hat...


...Chi Na and Berlin...

...are kings of the castle...

...all the rest are dirty rascals...


...our great leader...

...is asking for more...

...more time to rule...

...more money to spend...

...he can't get enough from all us palookas...

...so he stands with a bowl...

...begging for more money...

...so that he can pay the interest...

...on the money he has borrowed...

...mr bumble the beedle...

...wants to give him to the undertaker...

...who will bury him for good...


...but he just keeps emerging from the dead...

...consumate zombie that he is...

...the people of palookaville...

...will vote for death...

...so long as somebody else will pay for it...


It's no go the merry-go-round, it's no go the rickshaw,
All we want is a limousine and a ticket for the peepshow.
Their knickers are made of crepe-de-chine, their shoes are made of python,
Their halls are lined with tiger rugs and their walls with head of bison.

John MacDonald found a corpse, put it under the sofa,
Waited till it came to life and hit it with a poker,
Sold its eyes for souvenirs, sold its blood for whiskey,
Kept its bones for dumbbells to use when he was fifty.

It's no go the Yogi-man, it's no go Blavatsky,
All we want is a bank balance and a bit of skirt in a taxi.

Annie MacDougall went to milk, caught her foot in the heather,
Woke to hear a dance record playing of Old Vienna.
It's no go your maidenheads, it's no go your culture,
All we want is a Dunlop tire and the devil mend the puncture.

The Laird o' Phelps spent Hogmanay declaring he was sober,
Counted his feet to prove the fact and found he had one foot over.
Mrs. Carmichael had her fifth, looked at the job with repulsion,
Said to the midwife "Take it away; I'm through with overproduction."

It's no go the gossip column, it's no go the Ceilidh,
All we want is a mother's help and a sugar-stick for the baby.

Willie Murray cut his thumb, couldn't count the damage,
Took the hide of an Ayrshire cow and used it for a bandage.
His brother caught three hundred cran when the seas were lavish,
Threw the bleeders back in the sea and went upon the parish.

It's no go the Herring Board, it's no go the Bible,
All we want is a packet of fags when our hands are idle.

It's no go the picture palace, it's no go the stadium,
It's no go the country cot with a pot of pink geraniums,
It's no go the Government grants, it's no go the elections,
Sit on your arse for fifty years and hang your hat on a pension.

It's no go my honey love, it's no go my poppet;
Work your hands from day to day, the winds will blow the profit.
The glass is falling hour by hour, the glass will fall forever,
But if you break the bloody glass you won't hold up the weather.

Louis Macneice

Malcolm Evison (9/16/2005 9:59:00 AM)

Humorous as it may be with regards to Class and social mores, flirtations with theosophy etc., one is brought up with a start... the realization that this was written in 1937 and, the more specific social unrest in Spain and Germany... the fall of the glass is unstoppable!


the more things change...innit!