WTF Do I know about anything?
I'm just a babe who likes to party.
I do however read other folk's blogs
Just look in the side bar to see.
Here at uBABE Financial we don't read the mainstream press
Well not much
We read Mish mostly
So this is what we think about interest rate hikes
Forget it
aint goin ta happen
anytime soon
Because governments are bust as well as banks
They spent all tomorrows money yesterday
So how they gonna let interest rates that they must pay on their debt
no brainer innit.
The ZIRP is all that's proppin up the economy
Tech boom
construction boom
property boom
stocks boom.
Well it all be gonna be evaperate
IF rates rise.
So forget it
go back to sleep.
Dream on innit...
an o course this jus my opinion so
take no notice sukkers..