yo!...film noir innit!...The Lost Weekend...suckers all hooked on credit...
PALOOKAVILLE FINANCIAL : stardate capitulation day+9
peteypropertalk : the story so far... suckers are goin cold turkey this weekend as credit has been withrawn...
...alone in a condo in the land of the free is a sad economy that is hooked on credit and can't break the habit....but the banks is now BUST and Admiral Paulson is down on his knees begging the politix to fix the market with
sh*t sticks...
...the politix, though, are baulking at the idea!.. as the workin stiffs are onna phone...anna email...an inna streets...marchin. this is because they do not want RED DOLLARS...
that is...anti-money - DEBT...
...the politix are scared that if they vote for the BAILOUT, without BLUE DOLLARS for their voters, they will be smeared with the same sh*t as the banks...
...during this lost weekend, when the politix should have gone home to bed, the bollox are having a field day sayin as how a wurl is gon end if the markets arn't fixed...
fear is being created along with the ponzi-money to force the MOTHER PLAN through...
...the dollar is now available in three colours and nobody wants the red ones...everyone wants the blue ones, you know...the ones with EQUITY the ones with some VALUE...
...trouble is, the bankers have run off with the blue dollars inna BONUS an now the red ones are destroying the blue and soon the dollar will be BLED WHITE..!
this is what happens when you get addicted ta DRUGS...the first hit is always free...!
WHO TF is gonna want to hold the WHITE DOLLAR..?...a shadow of itz former self..
peteythepreacher : power, influence, status...a whole washday shot to hell...
FT : Need for action on the banking panic
...alone in a condo in the land of the free is a sad economy that is hooked on credit and can't break the habit....but the banks is now BUST and Admiral Paulson is down on his knees begging the politix to fix the market with
sh*t sticks...
...the politix, though, are baulking at the idea!.. as the workin stiffs are onna phone...anna email...an inna streets...marchin. this is because they do not want RED DOLLARS...
that is...anti-money - DEBT...
...the politix are scared that if they vote for the BAILOUT, without BLUE DOLLARS for their voters, they will be smeared with the same sh*t as the banks...
...during this lost weekend, when the politix should have gone home to bed, the bollox are having a field day sayin as how a wurl is gon end if the markets arn't fixed...
fear is being created along with the ponzi-money to force the MOTHER PLAN through...
...the dollar is now available in three colours and nobody wants the red ones...everyone wants the blue ones, you know...the ones with EQUITY the ones with some VALUE...
...trouble is, the bankers have run off with the blue dollars inna BONUS an now the red ones are destroying the blue and soon the dollar will be BLED WHITE..!
this is what happens when you get addicted ta DRUGS...the first hit is always free...!
WHO TF is gonna want to hold the WHITE DOLLAR..?...a shadow of itz former self..
peteythepreacher : power, influence, status...a whole washday shot to hell...
FT : Need for action on the banking panic
"Banks are not to be trusted. This is not just the view of the public and policymakers, but that of the banks themselves. Spreads on unsecured inter-bank lending have reached unprecedented levels, particularly in dollars and, to a lesser degree, sterling. Such stresses cannot continue for long, without serious damage to both the financial system and the economy. Something has to be done. The question is: what?"
peteythepension : sooner or later this has to stop! and asset prices have to return to fair market value...in my view the propping up of asset values is just an attempt to fix the markets until after the election and will only delay the inevitable...think Japan in the 90's...
think zombie economics...
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