Tuesday 30 July 2024


 Picture this..

A youngish man stands on a railway station platform. He is in Crewe. To get to Liverpool with his painting he must change at Derby and Crewe. This is a centre of the rail network even more than Derby.

Imagine him as if painted by Edward Hopper he is lit by slanting light just like in a Hopper painting. What is most striking about this person? Is it his hair? Is it his clothes? Is it his air of confidence? probably not.

The first thing you might notice about this figure is the eight ft wide by five ft high oil painting that he stands with on the railway platform. Is it wrapped up in brown paper? is it in a box? In a crate? 

No this oil painting is naked.. stark naked.

This is not a nude. This is 'Bring Back my Glen-Bott To Me' it is a large canvas divided by two diamond shapes. it has lots of paint marks strewn upon the whole area.. music actually or at least a rhythm. In the centre of the canvas and nearly as tall as the canvas is a figure.. It's a quote from Steve Ditko from the cover of Amazing Spiderman 27 'Bring Back My Goblin To Me'.

The Spidey figure has an old school uniform on.. sans blazer.. the face on the figure is the half Spidey face that he gets when his Spider sense is triggered. The other half of the face is the boy from the library.

Behind the figure is an open door from his old school classroom. A girl passes by out in the corridor.

Four school boys in full uniform point and laugh at the scene.

There is a lot of colour and the canvas is unmissable among the various travellers but no one seems to notice.

To get a painting to the John Moores Painting Prize submission agent in Liverpool you have to put in some effort.

Margaret Glen-Bott was a lady Gynaecologist and the school was named after her.

To travel in hope is a good thing.

Will he be successful and will he win the purchase prize?

Will this picture hang next to 'Peter getting Out of Nick's Pool'?

Find out the answers as time goes by..

In future editions of..


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