time to stop bitching..
leadership has proved clueless..
time to face the facts..
work together by staying apart..
It is extremely transmissible, through not just coughed droplets but also a fine aerosol mist that is expelled when people talk loudly, laugh or sing and that can linger in indoor air. As a result, masks are far more effective than scientists once believed.
Virus carriers with mild or no symptoms can be infectious, and there may be 10 times as many people spreading the illness as have tested positive for it.
The infection may start in the lungs, but it is very different from influenza, a respiratory virus. In severely ill patients, the coronavirus may attach to receptors inside the veins and arteries, and move on to attack the kidneys, the heart, the gut and even the brain, choking off these organs with hundreds of tiny blood clots.
Most of the virus’s victims are elderly, but it has not spared young adults, especially those with obesity, high blood pressure or diabetes. Adults aged 18 to 49 now account for more hospitalized cases than people aged 50 to 64 or those 65 and older.
Children are usually not harmed by the virus, although clinicians were dismayed to discover a few who were struck by a rare but dangerous inflammatory version. Young children appear to transmit the virus less often than teenagers, which may affect how schools can be opened.
Among adults, a very different picture has emerged. Growing evidence suggests that perhaps 10 percent of the infected account for 80 percent of new transmissions. Unpredictable superspreading events in nursing homes, meatpacking plants, churches, prisons and bars are major drivers of the epidemic.
without you it will die..
distance is not futile..
apart we can stop this thing..
oh yeah!..
and wear a mask
here is a reply to a comment on mish's site
It's obvious that you believe that it's OK that a certain percentage of people will die or be permanently harmed because you are unwilling to wear a mask, or enforce mask-wearing, or social distancing.
Because no-one actually wants businesses to be shut down or closed. That is the honest truth.
What Sweden is showing is that if people can maintain social discipline, there is less need for hard shut-downs.
Wear an effn mask. Keep your distance. Don't hang out in bars shouting over the noise and music. Simple stuff like that. That's it. It's not hard.
It's the ignorant or the assholes who push up the rate of infections by refusing to do those simple things.
As a result, it is the ignorant and assholes who are ending up making stricter closures necessary because the ignorant and assholes are making more people sick faster than what would have happened and are killing people who otherwise might not have died at this time.
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