yo!.. nostalgic... innit!
on a cold but fresh first day back at school..
in january 1966..
the fresh snow lay melting in the road..
as docile and bruin and I..
took the number 39 bus from middleton boulevard..
to denman street in radford, nottingham..
it was during the long school lunch break that we set off..
to find rare old marvel comics..
in the junk shops there..
the old shop keeper had a pile of old american comics in the window..
and we would divide it up and rifle through..
to be the first to find a rare comic..
I found the incredible hulk no.6 that day..
cover by stevie ditto..
price 3 old pennies..
after that we went into the old man and woman's chip shop..
and bought fish, chips and peas for one shilling and sixpence..
the day was cold but the snow was white..
the air was pure and clear..
I was 13 years old..
we had no money then..
but we were wealthy..